Friday, October 03, 2008

Oh Noooooo!

I opened my mailbox two days ago to find a package from my good Finnish friends, the Patomos.  I love hearing from my adopted Finnish family and especially love getting surprise packages from Äiti Patomo, (a.k.a. Patomo Mom) as she always sends me a few Fazer Sininen bars.  (Translation: Fazer Blue Chocolate bars.  The BEST chocolate I have ever eaten in my life.)

Well, the first thing that went through my mind as I opened the package was "Oh Noooooo!" My coveted chocolate was in liquid form.  Who would have ever expected it to be 100 degrees in October?  Of all days to be so hot, why did it have to be the day my package arrived?  Luckily, the refrigerator restored my chocolate bars to their solid state and the taste was not lost in the melting process.

Tragedy averted, right?  WRONG.  

The next day I took out one of my bars of chocolate to have a taste.  I only ate one row of chocolate and forgot to put the rest of the 200 g. bar back in the fridge.  

After running a quick errand, I returned home to a beagle that was acting odd.  It was almost as though she was hopped up on some type of narcotics.  She was howling incessantly, running around in circles, and tearing up my tennis shoes.  For the second time in two days, I heard the words "Oh Nooooooo!" bellow through my mind.  There, on my kitchen floor, was an empty blue wrapper.  Not a sliver of chocolate was left of this savaged Finnish delicacy.  My dog had eaten almost 200 grams of chocolate and now was on the caffeine rush of her life.

Not only was I unable to enjoy my chocolate, I now had a dog who was acting incredibly hyper.  She did some gymnastic moves throughout the house, used the carpet as a constant back scratcher, tore apart every shoe insole she found, and decided to bring us a few gifts of her dried poops into our living room.  She then crashed for the rest of the night, keeping us up with her snoring.  I couldn't stay mad at Sofi the Beagle long.  Especially when she had Elisabeth erupting into giggles all day long at this crazy dog's antics.

I should write a book about being a dog owner of a lovable yet frustrating beagle.  Too bad John Grogran already used this idea.  And he did a great job of chronicling the ups and 
downs of life with a beloved family pet. 


Lsmemoe said...

I love reading your blog, Kristi. This is hilarious. =)

Patomo Perhe said...

WHAT! Where's my chocolate! ha ha. That's great that you got a little suprise from the fam. How are you all doing anyway?