Saturday, December 04, 2010

Babysitting Co-op

Tonight we watched three other children that were not our own.  In our care were the following:  a 7 month old, a 13 month old, 2 two year olds and a 2 month old baby.  The night was utter chaos.  Between a teething baby who sobbed if he wasn't being held, crazy two year olds who are learning how to share and use the potty, a newborn that needs to eat every two hours and needs to be cuddled often and another little crawler who grabs and gets into everything, we barely survived.   At one point I was nursing Carsten and holding a sad baby in my lap at the same time.

As four children slumber peacefully upstairs and Lance snores in the Lazy Boy, I would consider the evening a success.  Despite having to get two babies down to bed at the same time, Elisabeth pooping in the bathtub while she was taking a bath with her best friend, and the 7 month old dumping a pitcher of water all over the table, herself and the floor during dinner time - yes, a success.  I still need to bleach my tub.  That will have to wait until tomorrow.

We are part of a babysitting co-op with three other families in our area.  Each couple picks a Saturday or Friday each month when they are available to watch the children of the other families.  If everyone participates on the given Saturday, there are 7 children total - two infants, one young toddler, three toddlers and one school-aged child.  The five hours we have these kids are probably the longest five hours in the month.

But having three date nights a month where we don't have to pay a babysitter - totally worth it.  The idea is actually ingenious.  Don't you think?

Lance amidst the chaos.


Kyla Armstrong said...

LOL I recognize all those children and have been all but one of their babysitters :) Fun times!

Lance and Kristi said...

They are all sweet kids. It is just a lot to handle between two parents! As they get older, they get easier, right?

Loren said...

Wow, our date night is 3 hours with a little leeway. I guess if the kiddies can be asleep that is a great way to give the parents some extra time. I can't imagine the chaos of that many little ones. We have 9, but three older girls who help their little siblings. Ok, gotta go, baby is in the Christmas tree.

SanniD said...

I'm laughing because that sounds like most days at my house. And they're all mine with me usually doing it all by myself. It's good you get some kid-free date nights.

Brian and Melissa Finley said...

We did the same thing in TN. Definitely a night of chaos...but worth the date nights, just like you said. Glad you guys survived :)