Monday, March 29, 2010

Dear Mom, Wishing you were here. . .

Dear Mom,
Wishing you were here. . . Not only just here on Earth again, but here in California and in good health. Wishing you were here to help with the loads of laundry that are overtaking my garage, living room and bedroom.  Wishing you were here to help make dinners on the days I am way too sick to even think of making food.  Wishing you were here to entertain Elisabeth so I could catch up in school.  Wishing you were here so I would have someone to just be a companion on the many nights Lance works late. Wishing you were here to rub my lower back that is just killing me after I pulled some muscles yesterday.  Wishing you were here so I could be less stressed, more rested and actually grateful that I am in graduate school instead of constantly questioning why in the world I am doing this and secretly harboring desires to quit.  But most of all, wishing you were here because I miss you.  Sometimes a girl just needs her mom. 

I know you are shaking your head at me right now.  Rightfully so.  I know I am blessed with great visiting teachers and friends who have offered to take Elisabeth for play dates so I can have more time to get caught up.  I know I am blessed that Lance tries to do a chore every day around the house so we only live in the 90% chaos.  I know I am blessed that Elisabeth loves peanut butter and jelly and that there are healthy options for take-out. I know I am blessed to be pregnant again.  I have much to be thankful for.

However, that doesn't change the fact that I need you and I continually try to envision you here to mother me. 

I love you.



jenerekfamily said...

If you could PLEASE refrain from making me cry...

I wish I could be your mother for you Kristi. xxx

Unknown said...

Sorry to make you cry, Jenny. I was pretty teary myself when I wrote that. Life always goes on. . . but sometimes I just really miss my mom. Especially when things are hard.

Anyway, thanks for the offer! I would take you up but I feel WAY too old to be Ryan's big sister


Emily said...

Sweet Kristi-

Moms are special. You are right. Thank you for helping me appreciate my own mother more today. I wish I could be there to help, but you are right...some things only mom can do. I know she is with you in spirit.

Amber said...

kristi, you know how amazing I think you are, its like a daily comment, that comes from some genes you posses and to that I thank your mother. were she here and when I do meet her my arms will wrap around her then hopefully a sassy comment for her AND from her. I love your guts.